11 remedies to improve eyesight 

Let's start with basic exercises that are suitable for almost everyone. Even those who have no specific vision problems and want to keep it that way. They definitely won't hurt anyone, but they will certainly be beneficial.

Blinking. It helps to reduce intraocular pressure by increasing blood circulation and restoring natural moisture. How to do it: blink rapidly for several minutes with one eyelid without straining your muscles.

Eight. Perfectly relieves tension from the eye muscles. How to do it: draw a horizontal number 8 in the air with your eyes open. Several times on one side and several times on the other.

Night. Helps to rest the organs of vision and restore all systems of the eye. How to do it: close your eyelids and cover them with your palms for 3-5 minutes. The main thing in this exercise is not to fall asleep :)

Finger. This exercise is especially useful for those who expose their eyes to static tension: conveyor workers at factories, people working at computers, etc. How to do it: with your arm outstretched, start looking at your index finger, slowly bringing it closer to your face. When it starts to double, start to slowly move your hand back. You will feel the effect instantly.

Closer and farther away. This is similar to the previous method with the finger. It is convenient to do this exercise in front of a window or on the street. Find several equidistant objects. Let it be a sticker on the glass, the nearest pillar, a tree across the street, a house on the next street, a tower on the other side of the city. How to do it: look alternately at a closer object and then at a more distant one. Repeat for five minutes, or even longer.

Massage of the eyelids. Helps to improve blood flow and remove decay products from eye strain with lymph. Useful for those who work at a computer or with documents. Directions: close your eyes and gently massage your eyelids with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes without pressing. Perform this action only with clean hands!

Circular movements. A simple and effective exercise that helps relax tense eye muscles and relieve tension. How to do it: close your eyelids and start making circles with your eyes. 10 times on each side, repeat 3 times. Then close your eyes for two minutes and let them rest.

Point movements. The exercise is very similar to the previous one in its essence and effect on the visual organs. How to do it: close your eyelids and start moving your eyes chaotically in different directions until they stop - left, right, up, down, and diagonally at different angles. Make 60-80 such movements, and then sit for a couple of minutes with your eyes closed.

Open and close. Restores natural eye moisture and improves blood circulation. How to do it: close your eyes for a couple of seconds, then open your eyes wide. Repeat up to 10 times.

Drawing. It is a great way to diversify the workload for the visual muscles and relieve tension. How to do it: choose several objects in the room at different distances: a pencil on the table, a chair, a flowerpot, a clock on the wall. Circle each object with your eyes 6-8 times.

Drawing. The effect on the eyes is similar to the previous exercise. How to do it: randomly start drawing sharp and round geometric shapes in the air. It can be a square, triangle, figure eight, different letters of the alphabet, etc.

There is no specific sequence for doing these exercises or recommendations on which one is more effective. You can choose the ones you like best. The main thing is that they perform different tasks: improving blood circulation, relieving eye strain, and resting the eyes. Relatively speaking, today you can do blinking, closer and farther, and tomorrow you can do other exercises from the complex.

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